01908 996038 fundraising@mkuh.nhs.uk

We fund many projects and items that enhance patient, family, and staff experiences at Milton Keynes University Hospital (MKUH), but this is only possible through generous charitable donations received from our kind supporters.

My husband and I wanted to make a cash donation to the neonatal unit after our son was born prematurely. We saw first hand the great work the team do but also the struggles they had.


Many people make a donation to Milton Keynes Hospital Charity as a heartfelt way to express their gratitude for the care they or their loved ones received at MKUH.

You too can show love for your local hospital by:

  • Sending a cheque made payable to Milton Keynes Hospital Charity for the attention of the Fundraising Team

You can send forms and cheques to: Fundraising Team, Milton Keynes Hospital Charity, Milton Keynes University Hospital, Standing Way, Eaglestone, Milton Keynes, MK6 5LD.

If you would like further advice and support with making a donation to Milton Keynes Hospital Charity, please send us an email at fundraising@mkuh.nhs.uk or call us on 01908 996038.

If you’re a UK taxpayer, you can add 25% to the value of your donation – at no extra cost to you! Simply tick the GiftAid box on the donation form.

My donation to Milton Keynes Hospital Charity is just one small way of expressing my gratitude for the lifesaving treatment I received when I underwent surgery for bowel cancer at Milton Keynes University Hospital. The amount seems very small to me in comparison to the opportunity I have been given to have another go at life!
