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June 2024 Supporter Newsletter

Hello and welcome to the June edition of your Milton Keynes Hospital Charity supporter newsletter 👋☀️

We try our best to keep our newsletter brief, but there are always so many wonderful things happening across Milton Keynes University Hospital (MKUH)!

Quite simply, the experience-enhancing stories are too good not to share, and you tell us you love to hear it.

We hope you enjoy the read!

We’ve got just the thing!  

On 19 and 20 June, we held a two-day launch event in the Main Entrance of the hospital to introduce our new ‘My Thank You’ campaign. This is a platform where patients, families, and visitors can send personal messages of gratitude to a member of staff, a team or our volunteers.  

The launch was attended by Joe Harrison, CEO of Milton Keynes University Hospital (MKUH) and Chief Corporate Services Officer, Kate Jarman, as well as Sarah Fabyan, Medical Student – the ‘face’ of the appreciation campaign.

You’ll also see Vanessa and Jodie from Milton Keynes Hospital Charity, and Lauren, our Butterfly Volunteers Coordinator in the photo at the top of this newsletter.

We’ve received an influx of thank you messages so far which are a real delight to read and share with staff to boost morale – long may it continue!  

We need volunteers to help us shout about ‘My Thank You’ from the rooftops (hospital corridors), encouraging visitors and staff to engage with the campaign!

Let us know if you’d like to join our My Thank You ambassador programme, volunteering 3 hours a week for a minimum of 6 months. 

We’d really love to have you on our team!

Thanks to kind donations made to our charity, MKUH’s Neonatal Unit (NNU) has a beautiful new Counselling Room.

This is a private space where a dedicated counsellor can talk with parents and help them through really difficult times.

Special projects like this just wouldn’t be possible without your donations and support.

Brayden Williams, Therapies Operations Manager reached out to us to see if we can support his team with a courtyard renovation project that would benefit patients and staff from a wellbeing perspective.

He said, “Something as simple as taking a cup of tea outside on a break can be a real mood-booster.” 

Knowing how supportive and forthcoming our community is, we shared a post on LinkedIn, calling for support (thank you to those who shared it – a social media share really does go a long way!) 

We’d be incredibly grateful if you could kindly support this small yet significant courtyard transformation this summer. 

Our Children’s Wards, Children’s ED and newly-refurbished Milton Mouse Children’s Unit were delighted to welcome back the 501st UK Garrison team this month. 

This is the wonderful not-for-profit costuming organisation who regularly provide a welcome distraction for poorly young patients at our hospital. 

As their visits are so popular with patients, families, and staff alike, we’ve arranged for them to return in August and October. We love working with like-minded charitable organisations like 501st UK Garrison who want to spread a little joy during tough times. 

Kacie Foskett, Marketing Manager at Red Giraffe said, “As a parent of a child who has been admitted to hospital countless times over the years, it’s lovely to see how much your team go the extra mile for little ones during their hospital stay. Forever grateful 💚.” 

To celebrate Volunteers’ Week (3-9 June) and show appreciation for our hospital volunteers, we held an afternoon tea event at Marcos New York Italian at the Holiday Inn, Milton Keynes. 

Attendees were presented with Volunteer Service Certificates, badges for 1, 5 and 10 years of service, and a beautiful bouquet for 20 years of service!  💐

#TeamMKUH volunteers, thank you for everything you do.

We’d like to congratulate all the nominees and winners at this year’s MKUH Staff Awards which took place earlier this month. A special mention goes to the nominees and winner of the ‘Best Use of Charitable Funds’ Award.  

Here are just some of the lovely words shared…

Butterfly Volunteers, coordinated by Lauren Handley (pictured centre holding the certificate):

“We are honoured and proud to be nominated, shortlisted and awarded Runner Up for Best Use of Charitable Funds. Butterfly Volunteers support patients at the end of life and their loved ones whilst they are in hospital, providing one-to-one support, compassionate listening and companionship. They are an integral part of the Trust and build on MKUH’s high quality end-of-life care provision. Butterflies can offer the gift of time and understanding, particularly for those with few or no visitors.  

I am so grateful for our amazing team of caring and dedicated Butterfly Volunteers, thank you all for everything you do and for making such a difference. I am so pleased your hard work is being recognised and appreciated by staff, patients, and service users.” 

The Patient Experience Team’s Resource Trolley:

“Funded by Milton Keynes Hospital Charity, the Resource Trolley is an absolute godsend to those patients who may have been kept in unexpectedly and haven’t got the basic items such as toiletries and phone chargers.”  

And the WINNER, Introduction of SignLive Ltd (British Sign Language) iPads/app:

“Staff and patients have commented on what a difference it has made to both inpatient stays and outpatient appointments.”

SignLive technology was funded by charitable donations and thanks to their huge success, you’ll now find iPad stations in ten areas and departments across the hospital.

We were absolutely delighted to see our wonderful Ward 1 Support Volunteer, Graham Clark, crowned ‘Volunteer of the Year’ at the staff awards. The whole room stood at their feet, giving him an almighty cheer!  

Graham works incredibly hard to support both patients and staff on Ward 1. In his free time, he also helps to renovate the ward’s garden which now contains planters and a variety of colourful flowers and foliage that brightens up the area. It really is a beautiful addition to the ward, appreciated by all. 

Well done, Graham! This award is so deserved, and you should be very proud. 

Our friends at Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure  – the construction company behind MKUH’s Radiotherapy Centre build, organised an epic cycling event to raise over £1,300 for our charity (so far!)   

Thanks to all involved and those who’ve donated to Morgan Sindall’s fundraiser. Please give yourselves a huge pat on the back for your amazing efforts! 

Pertemps Medical, one of our valued local charity supporters, hosted a tombola in Main Entrance in June, raising a super £178.39 for all wards and departments at MKUH.

📸 Pictured: the lovely Lewis and Ella with their delicious display of tombola prizes 🎫

We’re ever so grateful that Pertemps employees kindly volunteer at the hospital every month. They’re truly committed to supporting patients, families, and staff, and have more fundraising activities lined up, so watch this space. 

We’d like to send a special thank you to pop-up community café community café ‘5 Ways’, affiliated with St. Andrew’s Church, the Friends of Great Linford Manor Park, and the Parks Trust, for their generous donation of £500 to Milton Keynes Hospital Charity for the Neonatal Unit at MKUH. 

This incredible generosity was made possible by the contributions from those who visited the café and made donations for refreshments (October to December 2023).

If you’ve done some fundraising for us or supported us in any way, we’d love to share your story in our monthly newsletter. Email us with a few details, any photos you have, and we’ll feature you in an upcoming edition.

Or, if you’re new to our supporter community and would like to explore ways to help us raise vital funds for your local hospital, reach out to our team any time.

We’ve also put together a handy fundraising toolkit if you’re looking for a little inspiration!

Jodie, our Individual Giving & Marketing Lead is very happy with our new roller banners! 😁 Thank you Martin for your help!