01908 996038 fundraising@mkuh.nhs.uk

Can you help MKUH’s Therapies Department?

It’s a neglected space that has potential to be so much more.

As its situated in the middle of the department, surrounded by windows, patients, visitors, and staff can see out to the courtyard – and we’re sure you’ll agree, it’s not particularly inspiring.

It’s not open to the public but staff currently access the space to store hospital equipment through two doors on the right…

With your support, we can turn a lifeless and uninspiring area into a special sanctuary for staff to take timeout, reflect, socialist, and simply enjoy the benefits of getting some fresh air during their busy day.

🏵️ Donate potted plants, climbers, seating, arches, or decorative garden items
💚 Make a donation to our charity and we’ll allocate it to this project
Volunteer your time to de-weed and tidy
💡Suggest other ways you or your company could improve the courtyard – we’re always open to ideas!

This is a project that can only happen through charitable donations and support from our community.

Being able to look out and enjoy a brighter view from our department’s windows would really benefit patients and staff from a wellbeing perspective. Something as simple as taking a cup of tea outside on a break can be a real mood-booster. We’re incredibly grateful for any community support to make this small yet important courtyard transformation happen.

Therapies Operations Manager, Brayden Williams

If you or your organisation would like to support this project, please email our team.

Here are similar examples of hospital environment renovations and uplifts that have been funded by our community’s generous support.

(…and while we’re here, we’d like to congratulate Brayden on being awarded ‘Colleague of the Year’ at this year’s #TeamMKUH Staff Awards 🏆🤩!)